The Third Age Trust
The Third Age Trust ('The TAT') is the national representative body for U3As in the UK which provides several important facilities to U3A members.
The TAT underpins the work of local U3As, providing educational and administrative support to their management committees and to individual members and assists in the development of new U3As across the UK.
The TAT is managed by a National Executive Committee and is funded mainly by annual subscriptions paid by U3As on a per capita basis, with the occasional grant for a specific purpose.
U3As are independently managed charitable associations with their own constitutions. Membership of the Third Age Trust is a requirement using the U3A name and logo. both of which are protected. Once registered, providing the aims and guiding principles of the organisation are adhered to, local U3As are self-governing.
The TAT is based in London and contact details are shown at the end of this page.
TAT Publications
The magazine, Third Age Matters is produced five times a year and contains information about U3A nationally and about the activities of local branches.
The publication called Sources is published three times a year and each edition concentrates on a specific topic and provides useful information to groups.
Both of these publications are sent directly to members.
Residential Summer Schools
Residential Summer Schools are run in various parts of the country and online courses are available for members to access. For further information see the Third Age Trust website.
TAT Newsletter: U3A Members can sign up for the TAT Newsletter on the latter website.
The Third Age Trust, U3A National Office,
156 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8EN
Tel: 020 8466 6139