How to Join a Group
As a paid-up member you are welcome to join as many groups that have vacancies as you wish.
To enrol in a group please contact the Group Leader or Convenor, all contact information can be found in the individual group listing.
If you join a group that meets in a Hall, you will be asked to contribute 35p per hour per session, for each meeting held during the year– this payment is collected for the term at the first event and is non-refundable.
The majority of the groups meet during the daytime and a register is kept of all those present at each meeting for Health and Safety reasons.
Please carry your membership card and a contact number with you to meetings, in case of an emergency.
If a Group becomes full and cannot accept new members (this usually applies to Groups that meet in private houses) the Groups’ Coordinator is able to offer advice and help with the possibility of setting up a new Group, to reduce the waiting list.
Similarly, if you have an interest that is not covered by the wide range of activities listed in this booklet, the Groups’ Coordinator is your point of contact for help and advice in considering the setting up of a new group.
Contact—Philip Metherell——07718 084611