Welcome to the Haywards Heath & District u3a
Join over 1,000 like-minded members who enjoy being able to participate in new hobbies,
learn new things and develop friendships by being part of this vibrant organisation.
Explore our site to discover what you can do...
The u3a Motto
"Learn, Laugh, Live".
Regular Events
Next In Person meeting
Wednesday 30th October 2.30pm
Wesley Hall
Methodist Church
A talk by Michael Blencowe
Wildlife in Sussex
Admission £2
(Includes refreshments)
Zoom Learning Events
u3a members can join a wide range of online talks, workshops and courses produced by the National u3a organisation for free with their membership.
To see the range available click here.
Mirthy Talks
Mirthy offers a comprehensive programme of events, designed to bring likeminded people together to share interests and experiences, learn new things and make new connections, at home and around the world. The event calendar is here.
Dates for Your Diary
Thursday 12th September 2.30pm Wesley Hall. This meeting has unfortunately had to be cancelled. We hope to reschedule it next year.
Friday 4th October 10.00 Wesley Hall. The Haywards Heath u3a Annual General Meeting. More information will be available soon.
Wednesday 30th October 2.30pm Wesley Hall. Michael Blencowe is giving a talk about wildlife in Sussex.